Saturn in astrology
Saturn represents where we can refine the expansive elements of life. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn restricts, and it is through this principle of yin and yang we create our reality. With Saturn being the most distant planet we can see with the naked eye, he represents the material plane and everything we create into reality.
What does Saturn represent?

Saturn, like Jupiter, is about the top-down perspective of life. The difference between these two planets is that Jupiter wants to expand, while Saturn wants to contract.
To further understand Jupiter and Saturn in astrology, let's look at sacred geometry. Jupiter represents the light and Saturn is the definition. Light by itself does not give much, but once you add the definition and the curvature of the light, then you have geometry. This definition and curvature are symbolic of Saturn.
Saturn is the dimmest and the last planet that we can see with the naked eye. He represents everything physical, real, and what can be built in this world. Saturn is the master of the physical realm. It's about where we can create physicality, where we can have a slow and steady approach to life, to make things real. Saturn converts Jupiter's inspiration into something tangible.
Saturn Characteristics
Saturn has gorgeous rings made of ice and stone. This is symbolic of the very cold and denseness of the planet. Saturn's placement in the natal chart shows the area we are cold and distant. Strong Saturn individuals, for example, would be emotionally distant and very cold. The reason for this is that they can see things for how they are. There is no emotional hue to it. It is what it is. Saturn's placement is the area of our life where we can have that stern approach that's needed to create long-lasting things.
The rings of Saturn are a reminder that through hard work and discipline we can create beautiful things in life, but they take time and hard work. He's showing us where in our chart things don't come easy, but where there is a potential for success through hard work and discipline.
Birth Chart Example

Let's say someone has Saturn in their fourth house. This is the house of home, family, and our physical bodies. This individual takes home matters, family, and health seriously. They take seriously things relating to tradition, past, and history. Their approach to those things is very long-lasting and anything in these areas tends to come later in life.
Saturn in Aries. Aries is a very outward, action-oriented sign. The slow and steady approach is done through short bursts of action. How they develop home and family will be through assertiveness, initiative, and drive. They could be competitive in the process. They can remove obstacles, and fight for those long-term responsibilities.
Saturn is the side of ourselves that wants to build things through self-restriction and self-discipline. His placement in the chart shows what areas of life we can build through time, patience, and perseverance. Combined with a Jupiter attitude we can ground our inspirations into long-lasting achievements.
Saturn in the Signs

Saturn in Aries: Saturn in Aries individuals are disciplined in their actions, often showing a slow and steady approach to their goals. They are assertive and driven, using their initiative to overcome obstacles and build long-term responsibilities. Their competitive nature can be seen in their determination to create tangible results from their inspirations.
Saturn in Taurus: Those with Saturn in Taurus are grounded and practical, often showing a disciplined approach to their finances and personal values. They are patient and persistent, using their determination to build a solid foundation for their life. Their approach to life is slow and steady, focusing on creating tangible results through hard work and discipline.
Saturn in Gemini: Saturn in Gemini individuals are disciplined in their communication and learning, often showing a slow and steady approach to gaining knowledge. They are curious and adaptable, using their logical thinking to create tangible results from their inspirations. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for intellectual growth and understanding.

Saturn in Cancer: Those with Saturn in Cancer are disciplined in their emotions and home life, often showing a slow and steady approach to building their family and home. They are nurturing and protective, using their emotional intelligence to create a secure and stable environment. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for emotional security and a strong foundation.
Saturn in Leo: Saturn in Leo individuals are disciplined in their self-expression and creativity, often showing a slow and steady approach to their personal development. They are confident and ambitious, using their creativity to create tangible results from their inspirations. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for recognition and personal achievement.
Saturn in Virgo: Those with Saturn in Virgo are disciplined in their work and health, often showing a slow and steady approach to their daily routines. They are analytical and practical, using their attention to detail to create a structured and efficient lifestyle. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for order and perfection.

Saturn in Libra: Saturn in Libra individuals are disciplined in their relationships and social interactions, often showing a slow and steady approach to building their social network. They are diplomatic and fair, using their social skills to create balanced and harmonious relationships. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for peace and balance.
Saturn in Scorpio: Those with Saturn in Scorpio are disciplined in their transformation and personal growth, often showing a slow and steady approach to their personal development. They are intense and passionate, using their willpower to create deep and meaningful changes in their life. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for transformation and rebirth.
Saturn in Ophiuchus: Saturn in Ophiuchus individuals are disciplined in their search for knowledge and wisdom, often showing a slow and steady approach to their spiritual growth. They are intuitive and philosophical, using their insight to create a deeper understanding of life. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for wisdom and enlightenment.
Saturn in Sagittarius: Those with Saturn in Sagittarius are disciplined in their exploration and learning, often showing a slow and steady approach to their personal growth. They are adventurous and optimistic, using their open-mindedness to create a broad perspective on life. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for freedom and exploration.

Saturn in Capricorn: Saturn in Capricorn individuals are disciplined in their ambitions and goals, often showing a slow and steady approach to their career. They are practical and disciplined, using their determination to create tangible results from their inspirations. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for success and achievement.
Saturn in Aquarius: Those with Saturn in Aquarius are disciplined in their innovation and social change, often showing a slow and steady approach to their humanitarian goals. They are independent and original, using their innovative thinking to create a better future. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for progress and change.
Saturn in Pisces: Saturn in Pisces individuals are disciplined in their dreams and spirituality, often showing a slow and steady approach to their spiritual growth. They are compassionate and intuitive, using their empathy to create a deeper understanding of life. Their approach to life is marked by a desire for unity and transcendence.
Saturn in the Houses

Saturn in 1st House: Saturn in the 1st House signifies a stern approach to self-identity and personal expression. These individuals may come across as cold and distant, but they are simply seeing things as they are, without emotional bias. They have the potential to create long-lasting personal achievements through hard work and discipline.
Saturn in 2nd House: Here, Saturn's influence is felt in the realm of personal possessions and values. These individuals may struggle with material security, but through patience and perseverance, they can build lasting wealth. They have a realistic view of their resources and are disciplined in their spending.
Saturn in 3rd House: Saturn in the 3rd House suggests a serious approach to communication and learning. These individuals may be slow to speak or learn, but they are thorough and disciplined in their intellectual pursuits. Their communication style is straightforward and devoid of emotional color.

Saturn in 4th House: As we've seen, Saturn in the 4th House indicates a serious approach to home, family, and tradition. These individuals may face challenges in these areas, but they have the potential to build a strong, lasting foundation. Their home and family life may come later in life, but it will be built on solid ground.
Saturn in 5th House: Saturn in the 5th House suggests a disciplined approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression. These individuals may struggle with spontaneity and playfulness, but they have the potential to create lasting works of art or enduring romantic relationships through hard work and patience.
Saturn in 6th House: Saturn in the 6th House indicates a serious approach to work, health, and daily routines. These individuals may face challenges in these areas, but they have the potential to create a disciplined and efficient lifestyle through patience and perseverance.

Saturn in 7th House: Saturn in the 7th House suggests a stern approach to partnerships and relationships. These individuals may struggle with emotional intimacy, but they have the potential to build lasting, meaningful relationships through hard work and discipline.
Saturn in 8th House: Saturn in the 8th House indicates a serious approach to transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. These individuals may face challenges in these areas, but they have the potential to create lasting change and deep connections through patience and perseverance.
Saturn in 9th House: Saturn in the 9th House suggests a disciplined approach to philosophy, higher learning, and travel. These individuals may struggle with broad-minded thinking, but they have the potential to build a solid worldview through hard work and patience.

Saturn in 10th House: Saturn in the 10th House indicates a serious approach to career, reputation, and public image. These individuals may face challenges in these areas, but they have the potential to build a lasting legacy through patience and perseverance.
Saturn in 11th House: Saturn in the 11th House suggests a stern approach to friendships, groups, and aspirations. These individuals may struggle with social connections, but they have the potential to build lasting friendships and achieve their goals through hard work and discipline.
Saturn in 12th House: Saturn in the 12th House indicates a serious approach to spirituality, the subconscious, and solitude. These individuals may face challenges in these areas, but they have the potential to build a strong inner life through patience and perseverance.
Next: chiron