Chart Planets

Mercury in astrology

Mercury represents the part of ourselves that exchanges and assimilates information. In the natal chart, it represents our thinking patterns, communications, and social interactions. By understanding more about our Mercury we can gain a greater understanding of our practical and rational selves.

What does Mercury represent?

Mercury god statue

The Planet Mercury in astrology represents synergy, assimilation, and exchange of information. If you look up at the sky, you'll notice a couple of things about Mercury. He's moving very fast from the Earth's perspective. He is the fastest-moving of the planets. He goes retrograde three or more times a year and is always bouncing around the Sun, sending a message. He's also sometimes hidden behind the Sun, which mythologically is interpreted as him going into the underworld. He was depicted as delivering messages to the Gods and returning them to our world. He is continuously exchanging information. This is what Mercury represents in the natal chart - synergy, assimilation, and exchange.

Now, this can be assimilation within the self, which would be things like thinking. Thinking is part of the brain, firing the synapses and conveying messages within itself. It can also be social, such as two individuals interacting and exchanging. That's why Mercury is often associated with communication and correspondence. For Mercury, the focus is on the interaction between things, particularly between individuals.

Since Mercury also has to do with assimilation, he is about our natural survival. He represents what we do to take care of our daily activities, to take care of our basic needs, and our daily survival of putting things together. This becomes apparent when you consider Mercury as the ruler of Virgo.

Mercury Characteristics

One way to look at Mercury is that it is a neutral planet that is the glue that holds everything together. Because a lot of the other planets have some sort of polarity, like the Sun and Moon for instance, Mercury does not. Mercury is the glue that holds all the polarities in the universe together.

Mercury represents thought, the thought that is very scientific and very practical. This is because it has to be real-world and applicable to Mercury. It is our left-brain type of intelligence. We all have different kinds of left-brain intelligence and you can see that in the natal chart where Mercury is placed.

Birth Chart Example

Mercury symbol

For example, Mercury in the fourth house thinks quite a bit about home and family, the past, and roots. These individuals have an emotional understanding of life because the fourth house represents the emotional and personal life. They would naturally think about these personal things quite a bit and you would expect that they have this kind of intelligence.

The sign placement is also equally important. As an example, Mercury in Sagittarius thinks a lot about philosophy, travel, or expansive things. It's how they do it. So if this person had this combination, they would think about the area of life, which is the fourth house - past and roots. But the way they do it is expansive, philosophical, and idealistic. In other words, the big picture of home, family, and things of that nature.


Mercury is a neutral energy that shows our rational intelligence. It shows our rational viewpoint of life and where and how we socialize, interact, communicate, and exchange information.

Mercury in the Signs

Aries the ram

Mercury in Aries: Individuals with Mercury in Aries have a direct and pioneering approach to communication. They are quick thinkers, often jumping to conclusions before others have even started. Their thoughts and words are often driven by their impulses, making them spontaneous and sometimes impulsive communicators.

Mercury in Taurus: Those with Mercury in Taurus have a practical and deliberate communication style. They think things through thoroughly before speaking, ensuring their words are grounded in reality. Their thoughts are often focused on the material world, and they excel at turning abstract ideas into tangible plans.

Mercury in Gemini: Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, making these individuals quick-witted and versatile communicators. They are curious and love to gather and share information. Their minds are always buzzing with ideas, and they can easily adapt their communication style to suit the situation.

Cancer the crab

Mercury in Cancer: People with Mercury in Cancer are intuitive and empathetic communicators. They think and speak with their hearts, often expressing their thoughts and ideas in a nurturing and caring manner. Their communication style is often influenced by their emotions and personal experiences.

Mercury in Leo: Those with Mercury in Leo have a dramatic and passionate communication style. They are natural storytellers and love to be the center of attention. Their thoughts are often focused on self-expression, creativity, and personal desires.

Mercury in Virgo: Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, making these individuals analytical and detail-oriented communicators. They have a methodical approach to thinking, ensuring their ideas are well thought out and practical. They excel at problem-solving and often use their communication skills to help others.

Libra the scales

Mercury in Libra: Individuals with Mercury in Libra are diplomatic and fair-minded communicators. They are great at seeing both sides of an argument and often use their communication skills to mediate disputes. Their thoughts are often focused on balance, harmony, and social interactions.

Mercury in Scorpio: Those with Mercury in Scorpio have a deep and intense communication style. They are great at uncovering secrets and getting to the heart of matters. Their thoughts are often focused on transformation, mystery, and the hidden aspects of life.

Mercury in Ophiuchus: Individuals with Mercury in Ophiuchus are curious and inquisitive communicators. They are great at seeking knowledge and often use their communication skills to explore new ideas and concepts. Their thoughts are often focused on discovery, learning, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Mercury in Sagittarius: Those with Mercury in Sagittarius have an optimistic and philosophical communication style. They love to share their ideas and beliefs with others and are often focused on the bigger picture. Their thoughts are often focused on adventure, exploration, and personal growth.

Capricorn the goat

Mercury in Capricorn: Individuals with Mercury in Capricorn are practical and disciplined communicators. They think in a structured and logical manner, often using their communication skills to organize and plan. Their thoughts are often focused on ambition, responsibility, and achieving their goals.

Mercury in Aquarius: Those with Mercury in Aquarius have a unique and innovative communication style. They are great at thinking outside the box and often use their communication skills to challenge the status quo. Their thoughts are often focused on progress, freedom, and the collective good.

Mercury in Pisces: Individuals with Mercury in Pisces are intuitive and imaginative communicators. They think in a creative and abstract manner, often using their communication skills to express their dreams and emotions. Their thoughts are often focused on spirituality, compassion, and the unseen aspects of life.

Mercury in the Houses

the number 1

Mercury in 1st House: Individuals with Mercury in the 1st house are often quick thinkers, with a natural ability to assimilate and exchange information rapidly. Their communication style is direct and they are usually quite articulate. This placement indicates a strong focus on self-expression and personal identity.

Mercury in 2nd House: Those with Mercury in the 2nd house are likely to have a practical and resourceful mind, often thinking about material possessions and financial security. They are adept at using their communication skills to generate income. Their thoughts are often centered around values and personal worth.

Mercury in 3rd House: Individuals with Mercury in the 3rd house are naturally curious and have a strong desire to learn and communicate. They are often skilled in writing, speaking, and other forms of communication. This placement suggests a focus on intellectual pursuits and local community.

the number 4

Mercury in 4th House: Those with Mercury in the 4th house often think deeply about their roots, family, and home life. They have an emotional understanding of life and are likely to communicate their feelings openly. This placement indicates a focus on personal and emotional security.

Mercury in 5th House: Individuals with Mercury in the 5th house are often creative thinkers, with a flair for dramatic communication. They enjoy intellectual games and are likely to express themselves in a playful and entertaining manner. This placement suggests a focus on self-expression, creativity, and pleasure.

Mercury in 6th House: Those with Mercury in the 6th house are likely to have a practical and analytical mind, often focusing on daily routines and health matters. They are adept at problem-solving and have a keen eye for detail. This placement indicates a focus on service, work, and health.

the number 7

Mercury in 7th House: Individuals with Mercury in the 7th house are often diplomatic communicators, adept at negotiation and compromise. They are likely to think a lot about their relationships and partnerships. This placement suggests a focus on interpersonal relationships and social interactions.

Mercury in 8th House: Those with Mercury in the 8th house often have a probing and investigative mind, with a focus on uncovering hidden truths. They are likely to communicate deeply and intensely. This placement suggests a focus on transformation, shared resources, and mysteries.

Mercury in 9th House: Individuals with Mercury in the 9th house are often philosophical thinkers, with a focus on higher learning and broad concepts. They are likely to communicate their ideas in an expansive and optimistic manner. This placement suggests a focus on travel, philosophy, and higher education.

the number 10

Mercury in 10th House: Those with Mercury in the 10th house often have a practical and ambitious mind, with a focus on career and public reputation. They are likely to communicate in a professional and authoritative manner. This placement suggests a focus on career, status, and public life.

Mercury in 11th House: Individuals with Mercury in the 11th house are often innovative thinkers, with a focus on social reform and humanitarian issues. They are likely to communicate in a friendly and group-oriented manner. This placement suggests a focus on friendships, groups, and ideals.

Mercury in 12th House: Those with Mercury in the 12th house often have a deep and introspective mind, with a focus on the subconscious and spiritual matters. They are likely to communicate in a subtle and intuitive manner. This placement suggests a focus on solitude, spirituality, and hidden matters.

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