Chart Planets

the North and South Nodes in astrology

The North and South Nodes represent our life path. The North Node is the path ahead of us, the South Node is the path behind us. Also known as Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology, these two points have to do with the building and releasing of Karma, as well as where we can find balance in our spiritual and physical experiences.

What do the North and South Nodes represent?

Dragon representing the nodes

The North and South Nodes are non-visible points in the sky. They are the points where the orbital paths of the Sun and Moon intersect. They are always opposite each other in the chart. They take 18 years to transit the zodiac. They are the points in the sky where we have eclipses.

When the moon goes from below to above the ecliptic, that's the North Node point. When the moon is going from above to below, that's the South Node. These are the transformational points of the Sun and Moon. This is symbolic of the push and pulls between the solar and lunar energies within ourselves.

North and South Node Characteristics

The North Node is associated with upwards movement and our guidepost. It's where we're headed. It's what's being built in this life. It's what's being increased in this life. The South Node is what's being left behind, what's decreasing, and where we're coming from. They are often interpreted as representing our life path. The North Node is the path in front of us, and the South Node is the path behind us.

They also have to do with the building of karma. Moving forward in this physical plane we build karma, the North Node. With the South Node, we are releasing past karma. The North Node is our future life and the South Node is our past or past lives.

As with the nodes, any time you're dealing with oppositions in the chart, you have to balance. Balancing the nodes is very important. Especially since this is where we often feel a strong push and pull.

The South Node is the area that you feel very comfortable with. It's what we're used to. It's where there's been a lot of attention in the past. There's a lot of familiar energy with it, and thus a lot of comfort going into it.

However, it's important to remember that the South Node is also what's being released. So the key is not to move into it but to be grateful and accept what you already have with it. Otherwise, we can get caught up in it and stagnate in life. To have growth, we have to move into the North Node. The North Node benefits from moving consciously in that direction. But, we don't want to go to any extremes with the Nodes. We want to maintain a balance between the two.

If we go too far into the North Node, then we can get caught up in the material realm. We will in turn lose sight of our soul's roots in the South Node. The South Node needs to be involved in our lives without pursuit. Again, being grateful and accepting of how the South Node is can assist this. The South Node is our spiritual selves and we don't want to uproot ourselves from it.

How to balance the nodes

Ouroboros symbol

The key is balance. When you are healthfully connected to your South Node you are soul-fulfilled. When you are healthfully connected to your North Node you are physically fulfilled. With the North Node, you see tangible in-the-world benefits from incorporating it. With the South Node, soul-filling benefits.

The idea is to connect to your South Node in a yin way. In a way that is accepting and grateful for it. You thus find that soul-connectedness. We don't see the South Node consciously, it's very unconscious energy. Therefore, we don't want to get too consciously involved with it. If we try to figure out the South Node mentally or pursue it for our ego-fulfillment, we can get lost and lose our way. The South Node is the spiritual path. It's about feeling it, accepting it, and being grateful for it. Through that comes spiritual peace and liberation.

The North Node is the conscious aspect of the path. It's what's good to put yang energy into. To set the mind, intention, and take a leap of faith. It's the area that was not emphasized in the past, so it will always feel very new. But, life supports us in learning, growing, and developing it. It's the place to focus attention once you have the spiritual connection to the South Node.

Birth Chart Example

North and South Node symbols

Let's say someone has their North Node in the second house. This means that they have their South Node in the eighth. The second house is about material values. It is associated with self-reliance, building resources, and financial security. This person's life path is to grow and expand upon the material world, and to learn more about their material values. What they value tangibly in life. To be more self-reliant in the process. This is a good way for them to consciously approach their life since it's the North Node in this area.

But to do that healthfully, they must be also connected to their South Node. To come to peace with and accept the South Node, in the eighth house. This is about having gratitude for what they have with their deeper values. The eighth house is deeper relationships, emotional bonds, and the deeper world in general. So the natural default for them will be to feel like they need more depth, trust, and deeper relationships. Or that things are unfilled with them. But the truth is that they already have it and it's a matter of acceptance and gratitude. Although they might be unaware of it, it's already in their lives. Maybe just not in the way that their ego wants. They need to accept what they have in the deeper life. To be grateful for it. To find peace with it as best as they can. This way they can move into the North Node of self-reliance and material fulfillment in a healthier way.

The same thing can be done with the sign placement. Let's say it's an Aries North Node, Libra South Node. With the South Node the person is learning to embrace the Libra qualities of mutuality, what's right, and just. This is important for them to accept for them to move into the confidence, self-assertiveness, and self-willed energy of Aries.


The Nodes are all about learning through experiences. At the end of the day, we have to go through life lessons and experiences. The North Node is brand new to us. It's important to approach it with humility and a wanting to learn more about it. The same with the South Node. Since we're not consciously seeing the South Node it's important to approach it with humbleness. Exploring it spiritually, we gain inner clarity about what's most important to us on a soul level. This in turn feeds into the North Node which promotes balance and well-being in our lives.

North Node in the Signs

Aries the ram

North Node in Aries: This placement encourages the individual to embrace their independence and assertiveness. It's a call to step into leadership roles, make decisions, and take action. The North Node in Aries is about learning to trust one's instincts and courageously forge a unique path forward.

North Node in Taurus: Those with their North Node in Taurus are being guided to cultivate stability, patience, and practicality. This placement encourages the individual to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and to build a solid, secure foundation. It's about learning to value oneself and one's resources, and to work steadily towards one's goals.

North Node in Gemini: This placement invites the individual to embrace curiosity, communication, and adaptability. It's a call to learn, share ideas, and connect with others. The North Node in Gemini is about developing intellectual agility, and learning to see the world from multiple perspectives.

Cancer the crab

North Node in Cancer: Those with their North Node in Cancer are being guided to nurture their emotional intelligence and intuition. This placement encourages the individual to create a sense of home and belonging, and to care for themselves and others. It's about learning to trust one's feelings and to express compassion and sensitivity.

North Node in Leo: This placement invites the individual to embrace creativity, self-expression, and personal power. It's a call to shine, to take center stage, and to lead with heart. The North Node in Leo is about learning to follow one's passions and to inspire others with one's authenticity and generosity.

North Node in Virgo: Those with their North Node in Virgo are being guided to cultivate discernment, efficiency, and service. This placement encourages the individual to pay attention to details, to improve their skills, and to contribute to the well-being of others. It's about learning to value order, precision, and practical solutions.

Libra the scales

North Node in Libra: This placement invites the individual to embrace harmony, diplomacy, and partnership. It's a call to seek balance, to collaborate with others, and to consider multiple viewpoints. The North Node in Libra is about learning to create peace, fairness, and mutual understanding.

North Node in Scorpio: Those with their North Node in Scorpio are being guided to explore the depths of their psyche, to transform, and to heal. This placement encourages the individual to face their fears, to seek truth, and to embrace change. It's about learning to navigate the complexities of life with courage and resilience.

North Node in Ophiuchus: This placement invites the individual to embrace healing, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It's a call to seek knowledge, to heal oneself and others, and to explore the mysteries of life. The North Node in Ophiuchus is about learning to integrate the physical and spiritual realms, and to use one's wisdom for the benefit of all.

North Node in Sagittarius: Those with their North Node in Sagittarius are being guided to cultivate optimism, adventure, and truth-seeking. This placement encourages the individual to expand their horizons, to learn from diverse cultures and philosophies, and to share their wisdom. It's about learning to trust in the journey and to embrace the joy of discovery.

Capricorn the goat

North Node in Capricorn: This placement invites the individual to embrace discipline, responsibility, and ambition. It's a call to set goals, to build structures, and to lead with integrity. The North Node in Capricorn is about learning to navigate the world with practicality and wisdom, and to contribute to society in meaningful ways.

North Node in Aquarius: Those with their North Node in Aquarius are being guided to cultivate innovation, community, and humanitarian ideals. This placement encourages the individual to think outside the box, to collaborate with others for the greater good, and to embrace their unique vision. It's about learning to value diversity, freedom, and progressive ideas.

North Node in Pisces: This placement invites the individual to embrace compassion, intuition, and spiritual connection. It's a call to dissolve boundaries, to trust in the flow of life, and to connect with the divine. The North Node in Pisces is about learning to navigate life with empathy and spiritual insight, and to surrender to the mysteries of the universe.

North Node in the Houses

the number 1

North Node in 1st House: This placement signifies a journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. The individual is encouraged to embrace their individuality and assert their independence. The path towards self-fulfillment lies in focusing on personal development and self-expression.

North Node in 2nd House: This placement suggests a focus on material security and self-reliance. The individual is encouraged to explore their values and build their resources. The path towards fulfillment lies in understanding their worth and establishing financial stability.

North Node in 3rd House: This placement signifies a journey towards communication and learning. The individual is encouraged to express their thoughts and engage with their surroundings. The path towards fulfillment lies in expanding their knowledge and understanding through active communication and learning.

the number 4

North Node in 4th House: This placement suggests a focus on home and family. The individual is encouraged to build a strong foundation and nurture their personal relationships. The path towards fulfillment lies in creating a sense of belonging and emotional security.

North Node in 5th House: This placement signifies a journey towards creativity and self-expression. The individual is encouraged to explore their passions and express their unique talents. The path towards fulfillment lies in embracing joy and personal creativity.

North Node in 6th House: This placement suggests a focus on health and daily routines. The individual is encouraged to establish healthy habits and take care of their physical well-being. The path towards fulfillment lies in creating a balanced and productive daily routine.

the number 7

North Node in 7th House: This placement signifies a journey towards partnerships and relationships. The individual is encouraged to build meaningful connections and learn from others. The path towards fulfillment lies in understanding the value of cooperation and mutual respect.

North Node in 8th House: This placement suggests a focus on transformation and personal growth. The individual is encouraged to explore their deeper emotions and confront their fears. The path towards fulfillment lies in embracing change and personal evolution.

North Node in 9th House: This placement signifies a journey towards wisdom and higher learning. The individual is encouraged to expand their horizons and seek spiritual growth. The path towards fulfillment lies in embracing a broader perspective and seeking truth.

the number 10

North Node in 10th House: This placement suggests a focus on career and public reputation. The individual is encouraged to pursue their ambitions and establish their place in the world. The path towards fulfillment lies in achieving professional success and societal recognition.

North Node in 11th House: This placement signifies a journey towards community and social involvement. The individual is encouraged to connect with others and work towards common goals. The path towards fulfillment lies in contributing to society and fostering meaningful friendships.

North Node in 12th House: This placement suggests a focus on spirituality and inner peace. The individual is encouraged to explore their subconscious and seek spiritual growth. The path towards fulfillment lies in embracing solitude and developing a deeper understanding of the self.

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