Chart Planets

Cancer in astrology

Cancer represents the nurturing, reflective, and protective qualities of life. With a focus on our emotions and what's important to us in life these emotional characteristics naturally come through. Seeing what planets and houses are associated with Cancer in your natal chart can show you how and where these caring and nurturing qualities express themselves.

What does Cancer represent?

Cancer crab

Gemini focused on the qualities of life that are about learning. The next progression in the wheel of life is to understand the importance of our emotions, our roots, and things important to us on an intrinsic level. When the focus is on these emotional aspects of life, certain qualities are imminent, these are the qualities in Cancer.

Some of these qualities are things like receptivity, protectiveness, and emotional connectivity. When we're connected to our emotional body, we're connected to the personal aspects of life. As a result, we are more receptive, caring, and nurturing. When we have an understanding of our intrinsic values then we have an understanding that we must protect them. Whether it's with our family, home, or those that are emotionally important to us. These strong, very nurturing, and protective qualities come through this sign.

If you look at the constellation, it's a crab. Crabs have an outer shell that is very strong and have very soft insides. This is a reminder that we have to protect those things that are very personal to us and the parts of ourselves and others that are vulnerable.

Cancer Characteristics

Cancer is very accepting and caring. You will notice that Cancer individuals are more accepting and caring of others in general. They are more aware of the "softer" elements of everyone. They understand that there is a fundamental need to have caring and protective relationships. Cancer is aware of the importance of emotional foundations.

Cancer is also very reflective. We have to understand where we come from and our past experiences to understand more about our emotions. Feelings are a result of our past experiences. Cancerian energy is always reflecting on the past. Through past experiences, we understand the emotional foundations we have today. This can be seen by Cancer being ruled by the moon, as well as its association with the fourth house. All of these parts of the chart are about emotional foundations.

Capricorn opposite cancer is about the future. It's about productivity, it's about success. It's about the more detached perspectives of life to achieve things. So if you have a lot of Cancer in your chart, a good way to balance this out is to look toward your future and do productive things. This can balance out the strong internal nature, and vice versa.

Birth Chart Example

Cancer symbol

If someone has their Sun in Cancer they will likely come across as very aware of the emotional aspects of life. On a fundamental level, they are protective of themselves and those close to them. They often value family or those that they have a family-like relationship with. In their highest expression, they are caring and nurturing.


The qualities of protectiveness, nurturance, and caring are very important in life. It's these qualities that create stronger foundations and with those around us. Cancer is the feminine and maternal nature we all have. It's the qualities of life that promote emotional connectivity, close relationships, and a fundamental understanding of who and what is important to us in life.

The Planets in Cancer

sun symbol

Sun in Cancer: Those with the Sun in Cancer are deeply intuitive and sentimental. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is a Water sign and as such, they are guided by emotion and their heart, they could have a hard time blending into the world around them.

Moon in Cancer: The Moon rules Cancer, so this is a powerful placement. This position gives a strong instinct for self-preservation, and that usually manifests as a cautious and protective nature. Moon in Cancer individuals are extraordinarily sensitive to their environment, particularly to any emotional undercurrents that are going on around them.

Mercury in Cancer: Mercury in Cancer people are nurturing, thoughtful listeners who can put people at ease with their empathy. Their memory is more than an intellectual tool – they use it to maintain emotional connections with their past. They can be very persuasive speakers, and they are especially effective at bringing people together by making them feel like they belong.

venus symbol

Venus in Cancer: Venus in Cancer people show their love by caring for you. They pay more attention to your feelings than your words, and observe you rather than ask direct questions. They are tender, devoted, and protective lovers who will nurture you with a deep sense of commitment.

Mars in Cancer: Mars in Cancer individuals possess a strong survival instinct. They prefer to avoid direct confrontations, and are adept at sidestepping aggression. They truly shine when they are defending something or someone they hold dear.

Jupiter in Cancer: Jupiter in Cancer people have a strong need to feel secure. They have a strong desire to take care of others and are excellent at it - they're compassionate, nurturing and understanding. They are very intuitive and use this skill in their decision-making processes.

saturn symbol

Saturn in Cancer: Saturn in Cancer has a deep connection to their past. They have a strong desire to feel emotionally secure and safe, and this is usually most pronounced in their home environment. They can be quite defensive and protective when it comes to their emotional boundaries.

Chiron in Cancer: Chiron in Cancer individuals often face challenges in finding a place where they feel at home. They may have experienced a childhood where they didn't feel safe or nurtured. As adults, they can be excellent at helping others create a sense of home or family.

Uranus in Cancer: Uranus in Cancer people often have a unique view of family and home. They may have experienced unusual family dynamics or living situations. These individuals often have a strong desire to create their own unique home environment.

neptune symbol

Neptune in Cancer: Neptune in Cancer individuals are incredibly intuitive and may have psychic abilities. They are deeply compassionate and empathetic, with a strong desire to care for those in need. They may struggle with setting boundaries and can become easily overwhelmed by the emotions of others.

Pluto in Cancer: Pluto in Cancer individuals are often faced with intense experiences related to home and family. They may have had to deal with controlling or manipulative family members. These individuals have a strong desire to transform their home life and create a safe and nurturing environment.

North Node in Cancer: North Node in Cancer individuals are learning to let go of their desire for external achievement and to value emotional connection. They are learning to care for others and to allow others to care for them. They are developing their ability to nurture and to create a safe and loving home environment.

Cancer in the Houses

the number 1

Cancer in 1st House: With Cancer in the 1st House, individuals are likely to be nurturing and protective of their personal identity. They may have a strong emotional connection to their physical appearance and personal style. Their approach to life is often guided by their feelings and intuition.

Cancer in 2nd House: Individuals with Cancer in the 2nd House may find emotional security in their material possessions and financial stability. They are likely to be protective of their resources and may have a nurturing approach to their finances. Their self-worth may be tied to their ability to provide and care for others.

Cancer in 3rd House: With Cancer in the 3rd House, individuals may have a nurturing and caring approach to communication. They may be emotionally connected to their siblings or neighbors and have a strong desire to protect their immediate environment. Their thought process is often influenced by their emotions.

the number 4

Cancer in 4th House: Individuals with Cancer in the 4th House are likely to be extremely protective and nurturing of their home and family. They may have a strong emotional connection to their roots and heritage. Their sense of security is often tied to their home environment.

Cancer in 5th House: With Cancer in the 5th House, individuals may find emotional fulfillment in creative expression and recreational activities. They are likely to be nurturing and protective of their children or romantic partners. Their approach to love and fun is often guided by their feelings.

Cancer in 6th House: Individuals with Cancer in the 6th House may have a nurturing approach to their work and daily routines. They may be emotionally connected to their coworkers or pets and have a strong desire to protect their health. Their approach to service and health is often influenced by their emotions.

the number 7

Cancer in 7th House: With Cancer in the 7th House, individuals are likely to be nurturing and protective of their relationships. They may have a strong emotional connection to their partners and have a strong desire for emotional security in their relationships. Their approach to partnerships is often guided by their feelings.

Cancer in 8th House: Individuals with Cancer in the 8th House may find emotional security in their intimate relationships and shared resources. They are likely to be protective of their joint finances and may have a nurturing approach to transformation and change. Their approach to intimacy and shared resources is often influenced by their emotions.

Cancer in 9th House: With Cancer in the 9th House, individuals may have a nurturing and caring approach to their beliefs and philosophies. They may be emotionally connected to their travels or higher education and have a strong desire to protect their worldview. Their approach to expansion and growth is often guided by their feelings.

the number 10

Cancer in 10th House: Individuals with Cancer in the 10th House are likely to be extremely protective and nurturing of their career and public image. They may have a strong emotional connection to their achievements and reputation. Their approach to their career is often influenced by their emotions.

Cancer in 11th House: With Cancer in the 11th House, individuals may find emotional fulfillment in their friendships and social networks. They are likely to be nurturing and protective of their hopes and dreams. Their approach to social causes and group activities is often guided by their feelings.

Cancer in 12th House: Individuals with Cancer in the 12th House may have a nurturing approach to their spirituality and unconscious mind. They may be emotionally connected to their dreams and solitude and have a strong desire to protect their inner world. Their approach to spirituality and the unconscious is often influenced by their emotions.

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