Chart Planets

8th House in astrology

The 8th house represents everything in life that has to do with coming to emotional liberation. The things in life that keep us in bondage are always needing releasing so we can live with more freedom. The planets and signs associated with this area of life show us how we approach the areas of transformation, bonds, and the deeper side of life.

What does the 8th house represent?

number 8

The 8th house is a profound and transformative part of the astrological chart. Associated with water signs like Scorpio and Ophiuchus, and planets like Mars, Pluto, and even other celestial bodies like asteroids or comets, this house is about delving deep. Coming from the 7th house which is about relationships and duality, the 8th house adds another layer, introducing us to concepts like transformation, redemption, and spiritual liberation.

This house urges us to look beyond the surface, to see what's hidden or veiled. It encourages us to accept the human aspects of self, even the ones we might consider 'lower' or 'earthly.' This acceptance leads to transformative experiences, steering us towards spiritual freedom.

The 8th house isn't just about deep, esoteric things. It's also about practical matters like shared resources, debts, bonds, and even our perspective on life's beginnings and endings. So it's about the practical as much as it's about the spiritual.

8th house areas of life

In essence, the 8th house covers any area of life that deals with transformation and depth. Relationships, bonds, attachments to material or physical things—all these are in the domain of this house. Whether it's about facing our debts, dealing with shared resources, or confronting our views on death and rebirth, the 8th house guides us through these complex terrains.

If you have planets in the 8th house, expect to naturally gravitate towards these areas. For instance, if your Sun is in the 8th house, you're likely to be deeply focused on esoteric or 'behind the veil' aspects of life. You'll also want to look at the sign on the cusp of the 8th house. If it's Sagittarius, you'll approach these themes with optimism and a philosophical lens.

8th house integration

To get a well-rounded understanding of your 8th house, first look for planets within this house. Then, note the sign on the cusp to understand its characteristics. For further insights, examine the house ruler, which in the case of Sagittarius, would be Jupiter. Lastly, you can check the positions of Mars and Pluto, the significators of the 8th house, to deepen your understanding of this area of your life.


The 8th house is a transformative and complex part of the astrological chart. Covering areas of life from deep relationships to shared resources, it pushes us towards spiritual liberation through acceptance and transformation. The house is rich in nuance and offers multiple ways to gain insights into it, especially if you have planets located within its boundaries.

The Planets in the 8th House

sun symbol

Sun in 8th House: The Sun in the 8th house illuminates the hidden depths of the self, encouraging a journey of profound self-discovery. This placement often signifies a strong interest in esoteric or 'behind the veil' aspects of life. It also suggests a potential for transformative experiences, particularly through relationships and shared resources.

Moon in 8th House: The Moon in the 8th house indicates a deep emotional connection to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement may bring intense emotional experiences, often related to shared resources or bonds. It also suggests a natural ability to understand and navigate the complexities of human emotions.

Mercury in 8th House: Mercury in the 8th house suggests a mind that is naturally drawn to the mysteries of life. This placement often indicates a talent for understanding complex concepts, particularly those related to transformation and depth. It may also suggest a knack for managing shared resources or debts.

venus symbol

Venus in 8th House: Venus in the 8th house suggests a deep appreciation for the transformative aspects of relationships. This placement often indicates a love for exploring the depths of the self and others. It may also suggest a talent for managing shared resources in a harmonious and balanced way.

Mars in 8th House: Mars in the 8th house suggests a strong drive to delve into the mysteries of life. This placement often indicates a fearless approach to transformation and rebirth. It may also suggest a tendency to confront issues related to shared resources or debts head-on.

Jupiter in 8th House: Jupiter in the 8th house suggests a philosophical approach to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a natural optimism when dealing with complex issues. It may also suggest a talent for expanding shared resources or managing debts.

saturn symbol

Saturn in 8th House: Saturn in the 8th house suggests a serious and disciplined approach to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a need for structure and boundaries when dealing with shared resources or debts. It may also suggest a tendency to face life's deeper issues with maturity and responsibility.

Chiron in 8th House: Chiron in the 8th house suggests a deep wound related to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a journey of healing through exploring the depths of the self. It may also suggest a talent for helping others navigate their own transformative experiences.

Uranus in 8th House: Uranus in the 8th house suggests a unique and unconventional approach to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a talent for breaking through traditional boundaries when dealing with shared resources or debts. It may also suggest a tendency to experience sudden and unexpected changes.

neptune symbol

Neptune in 8th House: Neptune in the 8th house suggests a spiritual and intuitive approach to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a talent for understanding the unseen or mystical aspects of life. It may also suggest a tendency to dissolve boundaries when dealing with shared resources or debts.

Pluto in 8th House: Pluto in the 8th house suggests a powerful and intense approach to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a natural ability to navigate the complexities of life and death. It may also suggest a talent for managing shared resources or debts with a transformative approach.

North Node in 8th House: The North Node in the 8th house suggests a life path that is deeply connected to the themes of transformation and rebirth. This placement often indicates a destiny tied to exploring the depths of the self and others. It may also suggest a karmic lesson related to managing shared resources or debts.

The Signs in the 8th House

aries ram

Aries in 8th House: Aries in the 8th house brings a fiery passion to the transformative aspects of life. This placement encourages a direct and courageous approach to deep, hidden matters. Expect a bold exploration of life's mysteries and a fearless confrontation of the self's darker aspects.

Taurus in 8th House: Taurus in this house brings a grounded, practical approach to the 8th house themes. There's a focus on material resources and a steady, patient approach to transformation. This placement encourages a sensual exploration of life's deeper aspects and a tenacious hold on personal values.

Gemini in 8th House: Gemini brings a curious and communicative energy to the 8th house. This placement encourages an intellectual exploration of life's deeper aspects and a versatile approach to transformation. Expect a lively dialogue about life's mysteries and a dualistic view of the self's darker aspects.

cancer crab

Cancer in 8th House: Cancer's nurturing and emotional nature brings a deep sensitivity to the 8th house. This placement encourages a nurturing approach to transformation and a strong emotional connection to life's mysteries. Expect a profound exploration of emotional bonds and a protective stance towards shared resources.

Leo in 8th House: Leo's fiery and dramatic energy brings a theatrical flair to the 8th house. This placement encourages a confident and creative approach to transformation. Expect a grand exploration of life's mysteries and a generous sharing of resources.

Virgo in 8th House: Virgo's analytical and practical nature brings a meticulous approach to the 8th house. This placement encourages a detailed exploration of life's deeper aspects and a methodical approach to transformation. Expect a critical examination of shared resources and a humble acceptance of the self's darker aspects.

libra scales

Libra in 8th House: Libra brings a balanced and diplomatic energy to the 8th house. This placement encourages a harmonious approach to transformation and a fair distribution of shared resources. Expect a thoughtful exploration of life's mysteries and a peaceful acceptance of the self's darker aspects.

Scorpio in 8th House: Scorpio's intense and secretive nature brings a profound depth to the 8th house. This placement encourages a passionate exploration of life's deeper aspects and a transformative approach to self-discovery. Expect a powerful confrontation of life's mysteries and a secretive handling of shared resources.

Ophiuchus in 8th House: Ophiuchus brings a healing and transformative energy to the 8th house. This placement encourages a spiritual approach to transformation and a compassionate exploration of life's mysteries. Expect a wise acceptance of the self's darker aspects and a generous sharing of resources.

Sagittarius in 8th House: Sagittarius's adventurous and philosophical nature brings an expansive view to the 8th house. This placement encourages an optimistic approach to transformation and a generous exploration of life's mysteries. Expect a philosophical understanding of the self's darker aspects and a broad-minded approach to shared resources.

capricorn goat

Capricorn in 8th House: Capricorn's disciplined and practical nature brings a structured approach to the 8th house. This placement encourages a responsible handling of shared resources and a pragmatic approach to transformation. Expect a careful exploration of life's mysteries and a disciplined acceptance of the self's darker aspects.

Aquarius in 8th House: Aquarius's innovative and humanitarian nature brings a unique perspective to the 8th house. This placement encourages a progressive approach to transformation and a detached exploration of life's mysteries. Expect an unconventional view of the self's darker aspects and a fair distribution of shared resources.

Pisces in 8th House: Pisces's intuitive and compassionate nature brings a spiritual depth to the 8th house. This placement encourages a mystical approach to transformation and a compassionate exploration of life's mysteries. Expect a deep understanding of the self's darker aspects and a selfless sharing of resources.

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