Chart Planets

Pisces in astrology

Pisces represents the qualities that come through when we are connected to the ebb and flow of life. Characteristics such as intuition, peace, presence, and compassion can be seen through this zodiac sign. This is particularly important if you have any personal planets or important houses in Pisces.

What does Pisces represent?

Pisces fish

Pisces is a very nebulous sign. There are many different interpretations of it, and for good reason. Pisces is the end of the Zodiac. It is a very spiritual sign and the last of the water signs. Essentially, Pisces is where we come full circle back to the original starting point of the chart, and of life itself.

Pisces symbolizes endings, but not the intense type of endings of Scorpio and Ophiuchus. It's more of when we come to the end and make peace with it. Pisces marks the end of the journey and where we find the peace and acceptance of the journey.

Pisces personalities have a very strong peace about them. They have a strong present-moment and intuitive awareness of others and life as a whole. They can be very tranquil and unconditionally accepting.

Pisces Characteristics

You can see this particularly in the constellation which is two fish tied together by a string, moving in different directions. Firstly, the fish are connected. A large emphasis of Pisces is that we're all connected. When you have that connection to all that is, to God, to the universe, you see that we are all connected to the same source. Everything is connected. The string represents this connection and the string in the constellation leads to a single point, or the zero-point.

The other aspect of it is that there is duality. There are two fish, and we are talking about a mutable sign. Pisces is about being aware that there is duality, or at least that we see life in terms of duality. Pisces is about accepting that life is about merging and combining the dual aspects. Similar to the Trinity. Having the faith and trust that everything is connected and is unfolding in divine timing.

One thing about fish is that they're always going with the flow. Wherever the current is going, they'll use the current. So this is very symbolic of the current of life. Through having faith and trust in the universal process, we are in tune with where we're meant to be.

Pisces is opposite Virgo. Virgo represents what we can do to improve and be the best version of ourselves. Pisces is the complete opposite of this and is a reminder that there is no earthly perfection. Or that everything is already perfect the way that it is.

If you have a lot of Pisces energy and there's a lot of this acceptance then it is good to ground this with the improvement-oriented approach of Virgo. We're not just here to reach spiritual peace, we are also in this material plane and spirituality needs to be grounded. We need to strive towards improving ourselves and our environment to the best of our abilities. Whether it's through our work, self-improvement, or helping others. The reverse is also true, if you've got a lot of Virgo in your chart, it can help balance out Virgo by having more faith, trust, and willingness to go with the flow.

Birth Chart Example

Pisces symbol

Pisces can be very empathic and compassionate. Especially with feminine planets like the Moon or Venus here. But even in masculine or yang planets like the Sun, we can see this come through. The house shows what we approach with this receptivity and acceptance. If in the 10th house, we might approach our careers in a more accepting and unconditional way.


Pisces is very deep. Being the end of the Zodiac, it pulls on the very deep unconscious, and deep spiritual elements of the self. When we have a Piscean approach to life, we're flexible and able to feel the vastness of life. Pisces is very receptive in its approach to life. It can be very unconditional and selfless in its approach. Ultimately, when we are in this state of spiritual connectedness we are present, at peace, and accepting of how things are.

The Planets in Pisces

sun symbol

Sun in Pisces: The Sun in Pisces illuminates a path of spiritual connectedness and intuitive understanding. This placement encourages a selfless approach to life, with a focus on empathy and compassion. Piscean Suns are often deeply in tune with the collective unconscious, navigating life with an innate understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Moon in Pisces: A Pisces Moon suggests an individual with a profound emotional depth and a strong sense of empathy. These individuals are often highly intuitive, with a natural ability to understand others' feelings. Their emotional landscape is vast and deep, often mirroring the boundless nature of the ocean.

Mercury in Pisces: Mercury in Pisces indicates a mind that operates on intuition and imagination. These individuals communicate with a sense of compassion and understanding, often expressing themselves in creative or artistic ways. Their thought process is fluid, much like the mutable water sign they are born under.

venus symbol

Venus in Pisces: Venus in Pisces individuals are lovers of the ethereal and the mystical. They seek relationships that transcend the physical, offering a depth of emotional connection and spiritual understanding. Their love is unconditional, often reflecting the boundless compassion of Pisces.

Mars in Pisces: Mars in Pisces individuals channel their energy in intuitive and compassionate ways. They are driven by a desire to help and heal, often finding themselves in roles of service. Their actions are guided by their deep emotional understanding and spiritual connectedness.

Jupiter in Pisces: Jupiter in Pisces expands the spiritual and intuitive qualities of this sign. These individuals are often blessed with a deep understanding of the universe and a natural wisdom. They are seekers of truth, often exploring the realms of spirituality and philosophy.

saturn symbol

Saturn in Pisces: Saturn in Pisces individuals are tasked with learning the lessons of empathy and spiritual understanding. They may face challenges in setting boundaries, but these struggles ultimately lead to a deepening of their compassion and intuitive abilities. Their journey is one of spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Chiron in Pisces: Chiron in Pisces individuals carry a deep wound related to their spirituality or sense of unity. Through healing this wound, they often develop a profound ability to empathize with others' pain. Their journey is one of healing, both for themselves and for those around them.

Uranus in Pisces: Uranus in Pisces individuals are often revolutionary in their spiritual beliefs and practices. They bring a new perspective to the understanding of interconnectedness and unity. Their innovative approach to spirituality can lead to profound insights and transformations.

neptune symbol

Neptune in Pisces: Neptune feels at home in Pisces, enhancing the sign's spiritual, intuitive, and imaginative qualities. Individuals with this placement are often deeply intuitive and may have a strong connection to the spiritual or ethereal realms. They are dreamers and healers, capable of profound empathy and compassion.

Pluto in Pisces: Pluto in Pisces individuals are transformers of the spiritual realm. They have the power to deeply change and evolve their understanding of interconnectedness and unity. Their journey is one of profound spiritual transformation and rebirth.

North Node in Pisces: The North Node in Pisces points to a destiny filled with spiritual growth and understanding. These individuals are here to learn about compassion, empathy, and the interconnectedness of all things. Their path is one of spiritual evolution, leading them towards a deep understanding of the universe and their place within it.

Pisces in the Houses

the number 1

Pisces in 1st House: Pisces in the 1st house signifies a strong sense of self-awareness and spiritual connection. These individuals are often seen as intuitive and empathetic, with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life. They are likely to approach life with a sense of acceptance and peace, often going with the flow and trusting in the divine timing of the universe.

Pisces in 2nd House: Pisces in the 2nd house suggests a spiritual approach to material possessions and values. These individuals may see wealth and possessions as tools for spiritual growth and service to others. They are likely to be generous and compassionate, often using their resources to help those in need.

Pisces in 3rd House: Pisces in the 3rd house indicates a deep, intuitive understanding of communication and learning. These individuals may have a unique way of expressing themselves, often infused with spiritual or artistic elements. They are likely to be open-minded and accepting of different perspectives.

the number 4

Pisces in 4th House: Pisces in the 4th house suggests a deep spiritual connection to home and family. These individuals may create a peaceful and accepting home environment, often serving as a source of emotional support for their loved ones. They are likely to value emotional connections and spiritual growth over material possessions.

Pisces in 5th House: Pisces in the 5th house signifies a creative and spiritual approach to self-expression and leisure. These individuals may be drawn to artistic pursuits and may have a unique, intuitive way of expressing themselves. They are likely to find joy in helping others and may use their creativity to inspire and uplift.

Pisces in 6th House: Pisces in the 6th house suggests a spiritual approach to work and daily routines. These individuals may find fulfillment in service-oriented jobs and may approach their work with a sense of compassion and empathy. They are likely to value balance and harmony in their daily life, often striving to create a peaceful and accepting environment.

the number 7

Pisces in 7th House: Pisces in the 7th house indicates a deep, spiritual approach to relationships. These individuals are likely to seek partners who share their spiritual values and may approach relationships with a sense of compassion and acceptance. They are likely to value emotional connections and mutual growth over superficial attributes.

Pisces in 8th House: Pisces in the 8th house suggests a deep, spiritual approach to transformation and shared resources. These individuals may have a unique understanding of life's mysteries and may be drawn to exploring the deeper aspects of life. They are likely to approach change with a sense of acceptance and trust in the divine timing of the universe.

Pisces in 9th House: Pisces in the 9th house signifies a spiritual approach to philosophy and higher learning. These individuals may be drawn to spiritual or philosophical studies and may have a unique, intuitive understanding of the world. They are likely to be open-minded and accepting of different cultures and beliefs.

the number 10

Pisces in 10th House: Pisces in the 10th house suggests a spiritual approach to career and public image. These individuals may be drawn to careers that allow them to serve others and may approach their work with a sense of compassion and empathy. They are likely to value spiritual growth and emotional connections over material success.

Pisces in 11th House: Pisces in the 11th house signifies a spiritual approach to friendships and group activities. These individuals may be drawn to groups that share their spiritual values and may approach friendships with a sense of compassion and acceptance. They are likely to value emotional connections and mutual growth over superficial social status.

Pisces in 12th House: Pisces in the 12th house suggests a deep, spiritual connection to the unconscious and the divine. These individuals may have a unique understanding of the spiritual realm and may often find themselves serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. They are likely to approach life with a sense of acceptance and peace, often trusting in the divine timing of the universe.

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