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IAU vs Midpoint Boundaries The U.S. Chiron Return Chart Rectification Astrocartography The Vertex Progressed Charts What is Astronomical Astrology? More Articles...

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IAU vs Midpoint Boundaries
21 July 2024

The U.S. Chiron Return
14 July 2024

Chart Rectification
7 July 2024

30 June 2024

The Vertex
23 June 2024

Progressed Charts
16 June 2024

What is Astronomical Astrology?
9 June 2024

House Rulers
2 June 2024

Trans-Neptunian Objects
26 May 2024

19 May 2024

Chart Shapes
12 May 2024

Synastry & Composite
5 May 2024

Part of Fortune
28 April 2024

Minor Aspects
21 April 2024

Tarot and Astrology Correspondences
14 April 2024

Psyche & Eros
7 April 2024

The Four Angles
24 March 2024

Eclipse Season Spring 2024
17 March 2024

10 March 2024

Major Aspects
3 March 2024

Uranus & Jupiter in Taurus 2024
25 February 2024

18 February 2024

Biodynamic Gardening
8 February 2024

Ancient Egyptian Astrology
3 February 2024

The Global Impact of Pluto In Capricorn
27 January 2024

The Lunar Phase of the Natal Chart
21 January 2024

Chiron Transits
12 January 2024

Planetary Hours
5 January 2024

Planetary Returns
31 December 2023

The Antikythera Mechanism
13 December 2023

Lunar Standstills & January 2025
10 December 2023

Ophiuchus Mythology & Lore
29 November 2023

Solar Return
26 November 2023

Empty Houses in the Natal Chart
19 November 2023

Asteroids in Astrology
8 November 2023

Astrological Influence of the Galactic Center
1 November 2023

Eclipses in Astrology
25 October 2023

Black Moon Lilith in the Natal Chart
22 October 2023

Midpoints in Astrology
9 October 2023

Planet Retrogrades
7 October 2023

The Progressed Lunar Phases
27 September 2023

Hemisphere Dominance
21 September 2023

Understanding the Midheaven
14 September 2023

The Astrology of Comet Nishimura
August 2023

The Astrological Ages
August 2023

The Journey of the Zodiac
June 2023

The Rising Popularity of Astrology
May 2023

2024 Pluto Return in the USA
April 2023

Understanding the Chart Ruler
March 2023

Saturn in Aquarius 2023 & 2024
February 2023

Is Sidereal Astrology More Accurate?
January 2023

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