Medical Astrology
The Link Between the Stars and Our Health
28 July 2024

Medical astrology, also known as iatromathematics, is an ancient practice that examines the relationship between celestial bodies and human health. This branch of astrology dates back to the early days of human civilization when our ancestors first started looking to the stars for guidance. Medical astrology posits that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of one's birth can influence health, vitality, and predisposition to certain illnesses. Let’s delve deeper into how this intricate system works and its applications in contemporary holistic health practices.
The Historical Roots of Medical Astrology

The origins of medical astrology can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians. These cultures believed that the human body was a microcosm of the cosmos, and that the positions of planets and stars at the time of birth had a profound impact on an individual's health. The famous physician Hippocrates once said, "A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician." This quote underscores the significance of astrological knowledge in ancient medical practices. Medical astrology was used to diagnose ailments, predict health outcomes, and determine the best times for medical treatments.
The Zodiac Signs and Their Corresponding Body Parts

In medical astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with specific parts of the body. This concept is known as the "astrological anatomy."
Aries: head, brain, and eyes.
Taurus: neck, throat, and vocal cords.
Gemini: arms, lungs, and nervous system.
Cancer: chest, stomach, and breasts.
Leo: heart, spine, and upper back.
Virgo: digestive system and intestines.
Libra: kidneys, lower back, and skin.
Scorpio and Ophiuchus: reproductive system and excretory organs.
Sagittarius: hips, thighs, and liver.
Capricorn: bones, knees, and teeth.
Aquarius: circulatory system, ankles, and calves.
Pisces: feet and immune system.
Planetary Influences on Health

Beyond the zodiac signs, the planets play a crucial role in medical astrology. Using planetary rulerships, the planet can also be linked with certain bodily functions and organs.
Sun: heart, spine, and overall vitality.
Moon: stomach, breasts, and menstrual cycles.
Mercury: nervous system and respiratory organs.
Venus: kidneys, skin, and reproductive system.
Mars: muscles, blood, and immune system.
Jupiter: liver, thighs, and growth processes.
Saturn: bones, teeth, and skin.
Uranus: nervous system and circulatory system.
Neptune: pineal gland and feet.
Pluto: regenerative and reproductive systems.
You, a professional astrologer, or medical practitioner can examine the positions and aspects of these planets in your natal chart to identify potential health issues and possible remedies. Seeing the strength/weakness of each planet in the chart can give insights into where problems might arise and where to possibly give extra attention. Of course, medical astrology should never be used to substitute professional medical help, but it can help compliment medical practices and help point us in the right direction.
The Role of Houses in Medical Astrology

In addition to zodiac signs and planets, the twelve astrological houses also hold significant sway in medical astrology. Each house represents different areas of life, including health.
The sixth house is particularly important as it is directly related to health, wellness, and daily habits. Planets positioned in the sixth house, as well as the sign on the cusp of this house, can provide valuable insights into an individual's health concerns and predispositions.
The fourth house is also important since it shows the foundational elements of the body itself. Unlike the 6th, the 4th house tends to show the health that is outside of our control. However, it can show us where we can give better self-care, nurturance, and connect more with our feelings.
The first house, associated with the physical body and overall constitution, and the eighth house, related to chronic illnesses and transformative health crises, are also crucial in medical astrology. The twelfth house, often linked to hidden or subconscious influences, can also reveal mental health issues that can be worked on for our overall health.
Challenging planets such as Saturn or Mars in health sectors can point towards parts of our health that might need extra attention. While easy planets like Venus and Jupiter can show us where opportunities can be found. It's worth noting that even challenging planets or placements can hold the key to good health, and easy planets or placements can have health challenges. The key is to work with the planetary energy in a way that is in alignment with what the planet is about. For instance, the Sun might call us to express ourselves more in the areas he's in, while Saturn to take things slowly.
Furthermore, aspects between planets can not only show the strength/weakness of the planets, but how the health-related houses are configured in the chart. Challenging aspects such as squares and oppositions can indicate areas we can challenge ourselves, while harmonious aspects like trines and sextiles suggest areas that support one another.
Applying Medical Astrology in Modern Holistic Health Practices

Today, medical astrology is experiencing a resurgence as part of holistic health and wellness practices. Many people turn to astrological insights to complement traditional medical treatments. Astrologers can offer personalized health advice based on an individual's natal chart, suggesting dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and natural remedies that align with their astrological profile.
For instance, someone with a strong Mars influence might benefit from activities that channel their abundant energy, such as vigorous exercise or martial arts. Similarly, individuals with a dominant Venus might be advised to focus on skincare and maintaining a balanced diet to enhance their well-being.
Moreover, understanding one's astrological chart can help point us in the right direction. For example, putting extra emphasis on self-care and emotional connectivity if the 4th house or Moon are difficultly placed. Or learning more about the power of routines and healthy habits if the 6th house or Mercury are well placed.
To see how your planets are placed and the aspects between your health-related houses you can use our free sidereal birth chart calculator.