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The natal chart of all locations on Earth

Athen Chimenti

30 June 2024

Astrocartography map

Astrocartography is an astrological technique that maps the planet positions at the time of birth across different geographical locations. It’s a unique tool for understanding how various places on Earth might influence you.

Astrocartography focuses on the planet house placements, which change between locations at the time of birth. For example, in one location the Sun might be rising (1st house) and in another the Sun might be settings (7th house). Whether you’re looking for the best place to live, work, or travel, astrocartography can offer insights based on this detailed map.

The Basics of Astrocartography

Magnifying glass on map

Astrocartography charts the planetary positions relative to the Earth's geography at the time of your birth. This map shows where each planet was rising, setting, or at its zenith or nadir. These positions are known as planetary lines, and they can indicate areas where the influence of a particular planet is strong in your life. For instance, if your Sun line runs through a particular city, that place might be associated with vitality and self-expression.

Calculating astrocartography involves plotting these lines on a world map. Each line corresponds to a planet, and where they intersect can reveal significant areas for personal growth or challenges. The intersections are often called "power points," and they can offer a deeper understanding of how different places impact your energy and experiences.

*Important Note: Since astrocartography is primarily focused on the planetary house positions, the calculation process for astrocartography remains the same in true sidereal astrology as tropical/mainstream astrology. In other words, the true sidereal astrocartography map is exactly the same as the tropical one. It’s only when you go to look at the chart for a specific location will you notice a difference in the signs. Thus, while the method of creating an astrocartography map does not change, the planetary signs will differ between the true sidereal and tropical charts for each location.

Understanding Planetary Lines

Airplane in the sky with contrails

Each planet in your astrocartography map has a unique influence. The Sun line, for instance, is associated with your core identity and life purpose. Living or traveling along your Sun line can enhance your self-confidence and leadership abilities. On the other hand, your Moon line is linked to emotions and intuition, making places along this line ideal for introspection and personal growth.

Mercury lines are connected to communication and intellect. Locations along this line might be great for educational pursuits or career opportunities in writing and speaking. Venus lines are all about love, beauty, and harmony. These areas could bring positive experiences in relationships and artistic endeavors. Mars lines indicate energy, ambition, and conflict. While they can be challenging, they also offer opportunities for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

Jupiter lines are associated with luck, expansion, and abundance. These areas are often beneficial for personal and professional growth. Saturn lines, while potentially restrictive, can bring discipline and long-term achievements.

True Sidereal Astrocartography

Vintage camera and map with travel photos

In true sidereal astrocartography, the planetary lines are plotted exactly the same as tropical/mainstream astrology. However, the sign placements will be different. Making each location's chart more reflective of the visible sky.

This approach can offer a more precise understanding of how different locations influence you. For example, if you have your Venus line running through Paris, and in true sidereal astrology Venus is in Pisces instead of Aries, the energy you experience there might be more compassionate and artistic rather than bold and adventurous.

While the creation of the astrocartography map remains the same, the interpretation of each line can differ significantly. True sidereal placements can provide a deeper view of your planetary influences based on the actual positions of the planets at the time of birth.

Interpreting Your Astrocartography Map

Person with a suitcase at an airport

You can use any online astrocartography calculator or astrology software to calculate your astrocartography map. We recommend Prometheus since it can also calculate the true sidereal charts after you have analyzed the planetary lines on the astrocartography map.

To interpret your astrocartography map, start by identifying the planetary lines that run through areas of interest to you. Look for intersections of multiple lines, as these can be particularly potent places for specific experiences. For instance, a city where your Sun and Jupiter lines cross might offer opportunities for both personal fulfillment and career growth.

Consider the nature of each planet and what it represents in your life. If you're looking for a place to relax and find inner peace, you might seek out locations along your Moon or Neptune lines. For career advancement, focus on your Sun or Jupiter lines.

Generally speaking, the beneficial lines are considered to be Venus and Jupiter. While the challenging ones Mars and Saturn, along with the trans-Saturnian planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Vedic astrology gives a more positive view of the Moon and a harsher view of the Sun. While Western astrology gives a more positive view of the Sun and considers the Moon slightly more challenging. Mercury is considered neutral by most astrologers.

The strongest lines tend to be the Ascendant and Midheaven (i.e. rising and culminating) lines. While the less significant are the Descendant and Imum Coeli lines. For example, a Jupiter Ascendant or Midheaven line is considered to be generally one of the best places to live, while a Saturn Ascendant or Midheaven one of the more challenging ones.

It’s also important to take into account the aspects between these planets in your natal chart. A harmonious aspect, such as a trine or sextile to the planet you are analyzing, can enhance the positive influence of a planetary line. Conversely, challenging aspects like squares or oppositions might indicate areas where you need to overcome obstacles.

Practical Applications of Astrocartography

Moving boxes by a window

Astrocartography can be a valuable tool for making informed decisions about where to live, work, or travel. By understanding the planetary influences in different locations, you can choose places that align with your goals and aspirations. For example, if you're planning a move, you might use your astrocartography map to find a location that supports your career ambitions or personal growth.

Traveling along specific planetary lines can also offer unique experiences and insights. A journey along your Mercury line might be intellectually stimulating, while a trip along your Venus line could be filled with romance and beauty.

For those looking to deepen their astrological knowledge, astrocartography provides a practical application of natal chart principles. It allows you to see how the energies of the planets manifest in different parts of the world, offering a richer understanding of your astrological blueprint.

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